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Monday, May 14, 2012

Carrying Out the GAME Plan

To carry out my GAME plan which includes the two NETS-T indicators from my last post (exposing my students to more digital ways and improving my personal professional development) I have decided to take an introductory approach starting this coming school year. It is too late to start something now as we have 27 school days left. By starting in the fall I will have a more consistent approach with all my classes and I will be able to pick up where I left.  I will be using an internet literacy book for grades 3-5 and for grades 6-8. This literacy book will help me to break down my lessons and take the steps in smaller increments, a pace more comfortable for students to learn at. My internet literacy materials will use not only paper & pencil, but pre-determined websites including which takes steps through a variety of internet and English Language Arts diagrams. I have used similar materials this school year but not on a consistent basis and only with my fourth grade class.

To help my professional development move along in the proper direction I will be taking as many classes over the summer as possible. The courses that I am looking for will include classroom management, incorporating the Common Core Standards, and of course technology. When I reach out to further my learning I will be able to take that back to the classroom and to my students. I am open to any ideas that my peers may be willing to share. The more I am exposed to the better off my students will be because of it.


  1. I too am looking for courses and workshops that focus on the common core. How has your district handled the new standards so far? At my school, we are basically left to handle it ourselves and in our grade-level teams. Because of this, I am pursuing professional development opportunities to help me as I dive into these standards this summer.

    You have measureable, attainable goals for yourself!

  2. My district has been very proactive when it comes to implementing the new Common Core standards. Many of us have already put our new math curriculum up on our website (it is still a work in progress, but it is up nonetheless) and prior to that we worked on our close reading units. The hard part is not knowing the technology end of those requirements. Any changes that we have basically seen just state increase use of technological devices (what devices and what programs). Too vague for me, I like information in black and white, then I know where I need to go and what to do to get there. It has been an interesting process that's for sure.

  3. It looks like we are all on the same page right now. I have been searching for classes to take this summer. I have found some on more advanced Activboard lessons and some other programs. The Common Core is a huge workshop that I will attend. I currently teach 5th grade math, reading, and ELA but in the next two years we are supposed to switch to Common Core. If I teach 1st grade next year, they will be teaching it then so I want to be prepared and overly prepared.

    I like the Internet literacy lesson idea. The smaller steps, in my opinion, will definitely help students catch concepts more quickly and accurately for long term success.

    Great post! Wish you luck. We have 4 days of school left and I am ready.

    1. You have a great plan in place, although I am wondering why your district is waiting two years for implementation of the Common Core? We (Being my district) have to everything (Math and ELA in place for the 2012-2013 school year)ready to go and Science will be in place by 2013-2014 and this includes a state test for students in grade 6. Maybe there are different state requirements or maybe I have missed a key piece of information. Nonetheless, you have great goals and seem ready for the undertaking to make sure that they happen.

  4. My school district's website has a page with links to a variety of educational websites to use in the classroom. Every website I use with my students, I also put a link to on my classroom blog. At the beginning of the year, I give my blog address to my students and their families to access at home. Whenever we use a new website in class, my kids now ask me, "Can you put this on your blog???" They love to tell me the next day when they've gone on to a website we visited in class. It's a great way to get your students to see the computer as a learning tool and not just a toy. Here's the link to the different websites:
    They are organized by different subject areas as well.

    1. Thank you for the links, I can't wait to check them out!

  5. Shelby,

    As educators, we must continue to learn because our students are evolving and entering our classrooms with different levels within their backgrounds. Although our classes provide great insight on new tools and philosophies, there is still more to learn. A key to prepare you on how to present next year is to give your students learning style questionnaires and this will help you to develop your lessons.

    Nikisha Greer
